I don't know why I didn't do it sooner!!!!
It's so fun! Now I feel like I'm actually accomplishing something when I waist time on the internet because I'm having fun and becoming informed :-D
Tumbler is something I was never interested in. I have this blogg. Why did I need another? I rarely ever share links and when I do, Facebook suffices for that. Now with Stumble though.....I completely see the reasoning. So, I joined up! I'm a bit on networking overload tonight.
In order to streamline a little bit, I've decided that yes, I will be "ending" this blogg. I'm formally switching over to Tumblr, I'm sorry. However, I do believe it will quite easy to follow me there. Just go to:
There you will be able to find all my posts from now on. Plus fun and interesting links! You will be getting a much more well-rounded view of me. So this is a good thing!
Truth be told, I don't know how this whole Tumblr thing is going to work out. Perhaps I will after all decide I prefer blogger. I'm not abandoning all the people I follow via blogger, and I do still have my Europe trip blogg going on.
This may not be THE END after all.