Thursday, July 29, 2010

Networking Overload

I've known about Stumble for quite some time now, but I never joined up. I figured I waisted enough time on the internet, why add something that will make it worse? Well tonight, my friends, that changed. I added it.
I don't know why I didn't do it sooner!!!!
It's so fun! Now I feel like I'm actually accomplishing something when I waist time on the internet because I'm having fun and becoming informed :-D

Tumbler is something I was never interested in. I have this blogg. Why did I need another? I rarely ever share links and when I do, Facebook suffices for that. Now with Stumble though.....I completely see the reasoning. So, I joined up! I'm a bit on networking overload tonight.

In order to streamline a little bit, I've decided that yes, I will be "ending" this blogg. I'm formally switching over to Tumblr, I'm sorry. However, I do believe it will quite easy to follow me there. Just go to:
There you will be able to find all my posts from now on. Plus fun and interesting links! You will be getting a much more well-rounded view of me. So this is a good thing!
Truth be told, I don't know how this whole Tumblr thing is going to work out. Perhaps I will after all decide I prefer blogger. I'm not abandoning all the people I follow via blogger, and I do still have my Europe trip blogg going on.
This may not be THE END after all.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Meet Aaron Swor

Meet my friend Aaron Swor.

Check it out.