Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I'm waiting...

I woke up this morning in a good mood.
That never happens.
Often I will go to bed giggling and shivering with excitement because I love going to sleep and dreaming. Getting up on the other hand, is my least favorite part of my day.
This morning however, I had a smile on my face. I had the feeling that something is going to happen. Something good. I feel a bit like Tony in West Side Story...I know something's coming, I don't know what it is, but it is gonna be grand (if I let it in, that is).
There was nothing in my inbox this morning; nothing out of the ordinary at least, and there were no notifications on Facebook...I'm planing on checking my mail box later today, but other than that, I'm waiting. I'm going to be patient, keep my eyes, ears, heart and mind open to whatever it may be that's waiting for me.

I think it's interesting, because just in chapel yesterday our campus chaplain was speaking about advent and how the leading up to Christmas is supposed to be like a practice of waiting, or anticipation for Jesus to come. This was something that the Israelites and Jewish people had to do when they were waiting for their Messiah to come. Now, however, in our immediate gratification world (at least here in the U.S.) we have forgotten how to anticipate.
So perhaps today is simply the beginning of my anticipation. Maybe I woke up this morning realizing that I was one day closer to going home, to Christmas, or being done with school. Perhaps I woke up this morning in that realization that God is coming, though He is already with me, and that He is taking care of me, so I don't need to worry about the day, my week, or my future; he's already got me covered.
And maybe there is a surprise in store for me today :-) I'll keep my eyes, ears, heart and mind open to whatever it may be, and welcome it with open arms.

Song Suggestion: Elf's Lament -- Barenaked Ladies
I woke up with this song stuck in my head, and it won't leave! Good thing it's a good song...
(and I recommend the whole Holiday Barenaked Ladies cd to add to your collection. Perfect mix of whit, comedy, holidays, and cheer to add a positive change of pace to your day)

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