Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Weekend

I have been so fortunate that so far in my life when people ask "What's your most embarrassing moment?" I've never really had an answer. Sure, I've been embarrassed before, but nothing memorable. Thanks to the plane ride down to SoCal this weekend, that has changed. I know, you probably want to know now, but nope! Sorry! Not telling. All I'm going to say is:
Rows 17-25, *you're welcome*

Other than kicking off the weekend with a flushed face, it was SO GOOD! I got home and it was gloriously 70+ degrees outside. I wore shorts and skirts all weekend, even when it dipped down to the 60s. My family was complaining that it was cold.
THEN, the best part EVER...
Watching my mom graduate!!! I was super bummed that they didn't announce that she had already passed the BAR (along with others, I'm sure...) but I suppose they didn't want to make everyone else feel bad.
(*insert beautiful picture of my mother HERE*)
(I'm gonna ask her if it's okay first)
We went out to an amazing lunch afterwards where my cousin, sister and I split this ridiculous desert. I mean ridiculous. It was called S'mores Alaska. Basically, it was whipped marshmallow, chocolate, golden grahams, ice cream, and crushed oreos, set on fire.

It was good.

Then that night I got to see my BEST FRIEND EVER! We live about 500 miles apart and it breaks my heart. But we got to spend a little time together at her brother's graduation party. So that was wonderful. She's the one that reminds me that I'm supposed to be exactly who I was made to be. We always love each other, and she always reminds me of why life is good, why people are worth caring about, and is such an amazing example of how to live life.
I love you, Emily.
(Yes, when I leave her messages on the phone it sounds like I'm talking to my boyfriend.)

I had In 'N Out, laundered a whole suitcase of clothes, and just hung out.
AND got to see my step-mom and two little sisters that are ADORABLE! We played school (Quinn, 8, was the teacher, I was a 10th grader, and Piper, 6, was a kindergardener with no arms.) I stayed with them and got to chat on the phone with my dad until I absolutely had to leave so that I could make my plane.
It was a good weekend home.
The rain here in Portland is killing me.

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