Sunday, November 16, 2008


This is just a short piece of creative writing I did last year. I thought I would bring it out for you to see. I like it on its own, but it will probably/hopefully be part of a larger work someday.

It wasn’t raining very hard, but it was enough to be annoying. She pulled her umbrella out of her bag, pressed the silver button that was built into the handle, and the umbrella sprang into form. Clutching her bag close to her body with one hand and holding her umbrella steady with the other she walked on. Most people had only their hoods up – if that. No matter. She wanted her umbrella, and so she was going to use it. Who cares if there was only one other person using one?

She did.
The wind had picked up. She now held her umbrella more in front of herself than above, acting as a shield against the wet that the wind, rolling like waves, pushed against her.

Let me know what you think.