Saturday, October 25, 2008

"And if it isn't, and if it isn't
If it ain't ain't, and if it don't
Well, if it can't, then it won't
And that's just way it goes"
~Jason Mraz, Zero

These lyrics were stuck in my head the other day as:
And if it isn't, then it isn't, and if it can't, then it won't, and that's just the way it is…
Over and over they played in my head, and it got me thinking....

Things are going to be the way they are, and it's nothing more than that.
I'm not sure if I agree with that statement, but I like it. It calls to simplicity, which is something I want in my life.
What if we did take things at face value? Just take it as it is and not expect it to be something it's not. No reading into an action or turn of phrase. That also means accepting things as they happen; there would be no getting around something by saying it meant something else.
However, life isn't always simple and some things are meant to be given more value than just what's at the surface.

I don't know the answer, but I know life is a balancing act. Balancing between simplicity, and what means more. Between trivial every-day things that have to get done, and the things that are going to have a more lasting impact.
Who knows if the balance will ever be really found, but I'm willing to try.
Because I want my life to be made up of
"Our friends on the front porch and they telling the jokes and they

Swinging oh-so-swiftly towards happier times
Expending lines and finding more energy for the effort
And getting distance from that front porch spotlight"

Song suggestion: Zero (Percent Intrest) - Jason Mraz
I basically want my life to be a Jason Mraz song :-D

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