Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Matrix

I just got done watching The Matrix for the very first time.
I could say that I was slightly let down, but I don't think I really was expecting anything spectacular. It was good, but not anything too extraordinary. Let me explain my reasoning.
The plot: decent enough. Not a strong storyline, but enough to keep the movie moving and interesting. The concept is a very good one; the whole alternate-reality, and conception of life. I have to say, one of my favorite parts of the movie was a scene when they are eating on the ship, and the younger boy is ranting off about how perhaps sweet wheaties tasted isn't really the way they taste, but what he was tasting was tuna, or something else. That maybe chicken is just a sort of default taste, which is why everything tastes like chicken! It reminded me of something my mom has told me; she said that when she was younger she wondered if perhaps the colors she was seeing were possibly different than what other people saw....even though two people would both call a color red, the other person may be really seeing what she saw as blue. Of course, we're pretty sure that can't be possible....but the storyline I think somehow rings truth in at least the smallest measure in all of us. We all question God, and faith, fate, destiny. I think everyone wonders at some point whether we are just a small marble some other being is playing with, or actually just hidden away in some airport locker in some alternate being's world (Men In Black). Or perhaps, as I wondered as a child, that maybe we were just someone else's play-things, or someone else's dream...
The dialog: Besides the short dinner table rant, I found most of the dialog, cheap and cliche. Could definitely have been more original.
The acting: Let me just say....I'm not a fan of Keanu Reeves. The rest of the cast was pretty decent. I couldn't take the "Agent" guys very seriously though....their monotone and seriousness was slightly funny. :-)
Over-all-ness of the movie: I really didn't think it was a bad movie. As I told my friends I watched it with, I'm glad that I've seen it, but I would be perfectly fine never seeing it again.
Also, I have to note that I thought the romance was completely unnecessary. I know, a girl revoking romance! But actually the other two girls watching didn't like it either. I understand that the kiss at the end is not what woke Neo up, but that is what is implied. Really??? It's SO cliche and almost insulting that they find the need to insert that because they think they need to keep the female audience.
Really, tell your story and tell it well; the best way that you possibly can.

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